Jake Speed Zambezi Run 1986


Jake Speed was an action-comedy from the people that gave us Valley Girl and Night of the Comet. The idea is that Jake is a paperback hero except that he actually exists so he and his partner live the adventure and then write it. Since they want it to be exciting they don't do it the most practical or easy way, they go about the adventure so it would make good reading. Since it spoofed the types of books I read, I enjoyed some of the references to Doc Savage, et al. There was a joke I laughed at that you had to be a reader of Remo Williams: the Destroyer to get.
There is a lot I can say about the movie but I will focus on the "books". Supposedly a tie in novelization was put out but I have been collecting stuff since the movie came out and I have never seen it. Steve Bartel designed four "in universe" books of Jake Speed. I would love to own a screen used prop of any of them but until then we will all have to settle for my recreation of the last novel shown in the film.


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