Velvet Underground Reformation 1991


          The Velvet Underground only put out a handful of studio albums. The first two had the legendary line-up used for this album. The next two had Doug Yule in place of John Cale and the last had Doug Yule and no original members. This fictional album is primarily the Underground's primary singer Lou Reed's album Magic and Loss which he recorded in April of 1991. I chose two John Cale tracks. "The Cowboy Laughs at Round-Up" is from his soundtrack for Paris S'Eveille and "The Queen and Me" from a 1991 Leonard Cohen tribute album. The album from the Underground's drummer Moe Tucker provided an important track. Her album I Spent a Week There the Other Night has the track "I'm Not" which features all four original members of the band together. I also included "Blue, All the Way to Canada" to get an extra helping of Sterling Morrison's guitar work.


  1. That really vibes like the real deal. “ Hey, pitcher, better check that batter
    Make sure that candy's in the original wrapper”


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