Jefferson Airplane Sunfighter 1971


This is a "what if" album for Jefferson Airplane for 1971. Fans might be saying "they already released an album that year called Bark." Jorma Kaukonen and Jack Casady had started a second band called Hot Tuna and in 1971 put out a second album that also had Papa John Creach. He put out a self-titled album that year that had Kaukonen and Casady on it as well as Jefferson Airplane drummer Joey Covington, Paul Kantner and Grace Slick. Kantner and Slick released Sunfighter. It looked like enough material for another Airplane album to have been released in 1971. 
From Hot Tuna's First Pull Up, Then Pull Down I only used "Been So Long". I had hoped to use more but the sounds of the live audience made it hard to fit in. From Papa John Creach I pulled "The Janitor Drives a Cadillac" with Covington on drums and Grace Slick doing vocal and "Jet String Rock" which had Casady, Kantner and Kaukonen. The rest of the songs are from Sunfighter. Unfortunately Marty Balin is not present but the song "Sunfighter" is dedeicted to him.


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